In Joe Sudbay's blog on, "Insurance industry's top lobbyist makes case for public option" from the New York Times, is about the Obama administration's health care reform. Joe Sudbay a blogger for AmericaBlog News, is basically talking about the insurnce industry attacking the Baucus bill. He quotes one of the American Health Insurance Plans leader Karen Ignangi saying that her industry doesn't want to insure people with "health problems."
Joe did a great job for the public and himself to back up his ideas. I believe that not everyone needs health care but it would be great to see a plan for health care reform. He gets his story from the New York Times and the source is creditable because Karen Ignangi was quoted in the article and he uses that to back up his agruments. I also don't think its right that insurnce companies are coming out and saying that they don't want to insure people with so called "health problems." What else is the Obama administration making a health reform for. The people with the health problems need it the most thats why they are pushing for health care and most of the country is divided over the issue.
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