This article in the Austin American Statesmen talks about 300 democrats coming to Austin on September 15th to turn around the republican winnings in Texas. No Republican nominee has lost statewide since 1994 and no Republican presidential nominee has lost since 1976. Bryan Preston, spokesman for the Republican Party of Texas said "the democrats are going to stimulate our economy." This is of course there are 300 democrats staying in hotels in Austin and going to be spending money the whole week. The Republicans are also holding a rally called "Hands off Texas." The democrats are here also because of the government elections next year in 2010 and also offical elections. The democrats also want to regain the House in texas which is at 76 republicans and 74 democrats. Also the national House of Representatives could add four more seats because of the increase in population in Texas since 2000.
You should read this article because it has to do with Texas government and who will likely hold offices in year 2010 for both state wide elected officials and the governor of Texas. It also says in the article since 2004 more republicans have jumped boat to the democratic side. Also, Gallup poll shows more people in the first part of this year identified themselves as Democrats than Republicans
New justification for Trump’s trade war with Canada makes no damn sense
White House trade adviser and ex-convict Peter Navarro told Fox News’ Bret
Baier on Wednesday, that “Canada has been taken over, Bret, by Mexican
2 hours ago
The war in Afghanistan and Iraq is something that we all question and is something that the nation is greatly concerned about. But not only is it something the “we the people” are concerned about but our national Government and the President see this as a great challenge in there caresses. The most in portent key in making the right chose is to not only make a good decision in pleasing those who have loved ones in the army, but to make a good decision for us as a country. In a since this decision could make or break us, it could take a turn for the good, but yet at the same time it could take a turn for the wore, begin that we lose more soldiers and have our death toll reach an all time high in this eight year war. This was disused very well on a classmates blog by the name of U.S Government, they talked about all the key elements that make this war on terror such a big issues. Covering in good detail the facts about the death toll that could raise or be lowered by sending more troops over to Afghanistan and Iraq. I also like the fact that U.S Government put that thought on many readers minds that by sending more troops over to the war would make us more prone to be a larger target, and that is fact that I feel is greatly over looked. Keeping the troops best interest in this huge decision was not the only concern of U.S Government, they also looked at the situation in an economic way as well, stating the fact that it would cost the U.S more money to send more troops over. I total agree with the blog that was posted on U.S Government’s page, I feel that this is a war that has been drawn out passed it’s time and it is time for the U.S to make a decision based on the greater good of our nation.