Tuesday, November 24, 2009

U.S States keep Families Hungry

The article on how "States Struggle to Administer Food Stamps", talks about the Agriculture Department and how they are concerned about how states are handing out food stamps. In the article Henry Jackson the columnist tells us about a letter that was send out on the annual report on food stamp eligibility. Kevin Concannon, the department's undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services says states have run the program in a way that is, "“problematic and resulted in a more complex and difficult enrollment process,” also he says, "states have not served our clients or our taxpayers well.”

The article also show how states only approved certain amount of people. In California and Wyoming they had fewer then 50% of those eligible enrolled to receive food stamps. Also said the most populated states struggled the most. New York, where 61 percent of eligible citizens participated; Florida, where 57 percent participated; and Texas, where 55 percent were enrolled.

The most successful state was Missouri where almost 100% of those eligible got government aid in food stamps.

Henry Jackson talks about food stamps around the country and its problem. The source he is getting his information from is an annual report from the department's undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Service him self who is Kevin Concannon. I think we need to approve as many people eligible to get food stamps. In the report is says we failed our country by leaving out many people who are starving everyday. This would be easier if we can have better application processes like using online applications, call centers electronic case filing systems. Jackson also uses these ideas which i agree upon. I mean we live in a world of technology so i think the way the government officals need to improve is by using these methods to make it faster and easier. Last week, the department's annual report on food insecurity showed that in 2008 a higher percentage of Americans than ever went hungry or struggled to put food on the table. This statement by the report it self shows the governemnt needs to do their job and think smarter about how to approch the situation and improve the way they can help needy families that really cant afford to put food on the table in the economy today.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sending More Troops Is A Must...

The critique i read was written by Ana and she stated how the war in Iraq has no point to it anymore and there are just more and more deaths. And how Obama wants to send 40,000 additional troops to Iraq to help the cause. She stated her opinion very well and made a good argument about why we should bring our troops back home. She also stated that she didn't want to be let down by the president. She used percentages like how the war is taking 36% of our tax money while only 30% is used for human resources. Americans I believe are split down the middle weather or not to stay or come back home

I think that we should stay in Iraq because we cant just up and leave that country where we have been for so many years and even though there hasnt been improvement of the sutuation we are trying the best we can to get rid of these smalls groups of people who relate them selfs to terrorism and we are trying to educate the people about how to act and build a new government strucutre for them. We are doing more then fighting a war we are trying to help the country who is in need of leadership. She also stated why cant Obama just say lets leave. I think Obama doesnt have a choice because if it was up to him, he probably wouldnt have even gone to war. He was brought into this sutuation that he didn't start. So there is something that he sees that the American public doesnt know about and maybe he as a plan for us in the long run to help us really get out of this war and to make it a suceess.

Thank you Ana for writing a great blog on this sutuation. Your opinion and facts were great.